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Medicare's National Coverage Determination Could Boost Chances of Limited Aduhelm Coverage
By opening a National Coverage Determination (NCD) on Biogen’s (NASDAQ:BIIB) Aduhelm (aducanumab) for Alzheimer’s disease, Medicare has...

Pepaxto's US Uptake to Stall in Multiple Myeloma Until FBA Provides Advice to Address Death Risk
Blood cancer oncologists are likely to hold back for now on using Oncopeptides’ (STO:ONCO) Pepaxto (melphalan flufenamide) in...

Jaewon Ryu, M.D. J.D., President and Chief Executive Officer, Geisinger
Dr. Jaewon Ryu, you are known for your accomplishments in the healthcare industry and as a physician. Can you share with our readers what...
FROM THE PUBLISHER In this issue of WAMJ, we interviewed Dr. Jaewon Ryu, an ER physician, an attorney and renowned health care system...

Medical Korea - Insight into Global Healthcare and Medical Tourism
The upcoming “Medical Korea 2021” conference is being held virtually to share Korea’s advancing medical industry and to discuss the...
December 2020 - February 2021 Israel to Share Data with Pfizer in Exchange for COVID-19 Vaccine Doses Israel has committed to send Pfizer...
North America CUGH 2021- 12th Annual Global Health Conference March 12-14, 2021 | Virtual Conference Website:

Innovations Forged in the COVID Crucible Will Reshape Medicine
By Steve Usdin, Washington Editor The fight against COVID-19 is far from finished, but victory is close enough to start considering how...

COVID-19 Long-Hauler Treatments Could Employ Repurposed Trial Endpoints to Prove Aptitude
COVID-19 long-hauler treatment trials will likely rely on established endpoints and trial design features used in other conditions, and...

New SARS-CoV-2 Variants Push Back COVID-19 Vaccine Long-Term Durability Questions
Long-term COVID-19 vaccine durability has become less of an endgame since it has become increasingly likely additional shots will be...
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