Welcome to the third issue of our magazine.
In this issue, we feature the World Korean Medical Organization (WKMO) convention held on July 3-5 at Le Parker Meridien Hotel in New York City, where there was a true atmosphere for wholesome networking in which we were able to connect face-to-face. Dr. Kwang Tae Kim, President of International Hospital Federation, gave an inspiring keynote speech. WKMO also recognized Drs. Han Kwang Yang, Kyoung Ryul Lee, Kee Park, Hyung Kwon Kim and Yoon Kyo An for their achievements and contributions.
The students of World Korean Medical Student Organization participated by presenting their first research abstract poster and essay book publication ‘An Open Discourse in Global Patient Care’. This book explores the role of cultural and ethnic diversity, and how these elements affect patient care. I welcome all the readers to this wonderful opportunity to listen to our new generation of global minded doctors.
This issue also features interviews with two prominent leaders in the field of healthcare: Physician- politician Dr. Ui Hwa Chung and physician–entrepreneur Dr. Kyoung Ryul Lee. The interviews give insights into these two respected doctors and the career choices they made after becoming successful academic physicians. Dr. Chung states “doctors not only cure patients but also have obligation to know the pathology and treat human and social society” and seek support from WKMO for all the efforts towards the unification of South and North Korea. Dr. Lee, a renowned international expert in the field of preventive medicine, who heads the Seoul based Hanaro Medical Foundation and SCL Health Care, Inc. leads an innovative life to improve global health.
This issue has few more excellent articles. One of them, found under the section of Special Reports, is an informative article by Dr. Joe McMenamin on anti-kickback statute entitled “Laboratory Payments to Referring Physicians”.
WKMJ continues to promote a dialogue to bring positive impact for the advancement of medicine and healthcare. Kudos to all of us for building an inquisitive, compassionate, and global medical community!
Chul S. Hyun, MD, PhD
President of WKMO
Dear Colleagues,
It was good to see many of you at the 3rd WKMO Convention in New York. The forums were excellent with top speakers addressing many ethnic, regional, global issues. The medical student posters and essays demonstrated the talent of the next generation of Korean heritage physicians. There were many guests and dignitaries including UN representative from N. Korea as well as S. Korea, which is symbolic of possible improved relations.
In this issue we feature Dr. Ui-Hwa Chung who was a Keynote speaker at the WKMO/ KAMA Annual meeting in Las Vegas along with US Congressmen Mike Honda. The Honorable Mike Honda prophetically said Dr. Chung would be Speaker and this became reality. Dr. Chung is an accomplished Neurosurgeon but entered politics and has been successful there as well serving 5 terms in National Assembly where he was Vice Speaker and now is Speaker. Healthcare in every country is a complex issue undergoing tremendous change and to have a physician leader in government is an exceptional opportunity. Dr Chung is not only addressing issues in S. Korea but has an agenda to improve healthcare in N. Korea which he presented in the WKMO/KAMA meeting of 30 hospitals with 30 beds.
The entrepreneur physician featured is Kyoung-Ryu Lee, MD PhD who has had multiple successful medical roles. He is an academic physician as Adjunct Professor of Laboratoy Medicine at Yonsei University and Deputy of Clinical Laboratory Management of Korea. Dr. Lee is Chairman of Hanaro Medical Foundation emphasizing preventive medicine and has developed comprehensive medical clinics which are cost and time efficient incorporating the latest technologies. He has a global vision and opened a clinic in Mongolia and China. Dr. Lee has been a founding leader of WKMO and has been very active Board Member and Executive Vice President ensuring the success of WKMO.
The WKMO meeting was exciting, expanding horizons with incredible networking opportunities. Next years regional WKMO meeting in March will be in London and the 4th WKMO Convention will be in Korea in July so hope to see you there. I was privileged to serve as KAMA President in its 40th Anniversary year which is a time of reflection and look forward to what KAMA and WKMO will do in 40 years.
David Y. Ko, MD
Editor in Chief
Board Director of WKMO
President of KAMA