K-Blockbuster project is a special initiative of Korea Health Industry Development
Institute (KHIDI) to support Korean biopharma companies to expand their businesses
in the US market.
Establishment and operation of the Korea Bio Innovation Center
Support Korean companies selected by KHIDI to integrate into CIC Cambridge
Provide consulting, information collection and networking support for Korean companies
1:1 mentoring with local professional consulting companies
Enable expedited U.S. market entry through local U.S. consultants
Provide consulting services for the entire lifecycle of new drug development from discovery and research to commercialization
Support advisory areas, including legal advice, clinical research, licensing, transaction, marketing, etc.
Networking and education
Establish biopharmaceutical R&D network through seminars and forums
Develop a pool of qualified experts and scientific advisors for Korean companies
Provide education programs for Korean companies focusing on the market trend, clinical research, regulatory update, etc.
Project Member Companies
Hanmi Pharmaceutical
Huons USA
Ildong Pharmaceutical
Illimis Therapeutics
Liflex Science
Yuhan USA
December 6, 2021
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